Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Talking about games: Downfall

Hey, Yikes.

Hey, I didn't know we were doing an update today.

Well, I wasn't going to, but I came
across this game today thanks to a post on Rely on Horror. They mentioned a game from '09 called Downfall.

Oh, for a second I thought I woke up for nothing today. What's it look like?

It looks like this:

Interesting. Is that all?

Well, no, Yikes. There's also a really cool trailer for it that I think you should watch.

Okay, so say I'm interested. Is there a demo I can try? What does it cost, like 10 bucks?

Well, Yikes, we just don't know. You see, I went to the page and attempted to do both those things. You can see for yourself right here.

The problem is, neither the link to the demo nor the full version work currently. I've looked all over the web to see if someone else has the demo for download, but come up short. I'm kind of hoping they either fix it soon, or someone out there knows an alternative place to download the demo.
Oh, so I see what you're saying now: I DID wake up for no reason today.

At least you have something new to dream about.

1 comment:

  1. I love the art style in that trailer, I also like how it changes about half way through, you've got almost 2 completely different trailers by the end.
